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Homerule Falls  PHOTO CREDIT: Heightened Vision

 Mt Sorrow  away on a tranquil trail close to Emmagen  Niau Falls and aka secret tip!
 Creek is a small pathway that leads to complete
 Experience Level - Medium  Experience Level – Easy
 If you’re like me and love to hike, then a wander   A short ten minutes’ drive north of Cape   Niau Falls or Anniversary Falls, as they’re
 up to the summit of Mt Sorrow is the perfect   Tribulation, this easy walk is perfect for the   termed, are on private property and situated
 option for you.  close to Daintree Village.
 whole family.  This short and flat 200m trail
 On a clear sunny day, the view from Mt   leads you gently under the rainforest canopy,   But don’t despair – yes, you have permission
 Sorrow’s summit is, without exaggeration,   then suddenly opens up to a gigantic, people-  to visit. Head into the Daintree general store,
 spectacular.  less beach – so freeing.   and for a small fee get directions on your way
 A return hike to the 760-metre summit   Just before the big fig tree prior to Emmagen   to these rarely visited falls.  An easy walk to
 generally takes people on average around five   Creek, park your car on the left-hand side in the   the falls, this trail is for everyone.  Park at the
 to seven hours, depending on fitness levels.  makeshift parking bay.   trailhead.  It is close to the falls and only a short
 15 to 20 minute drive from the village.
 Mobile phone coverage is unreliable (and part   Walk across the road to hit the short trail   And back to the falls!  These falls don’t get  Water and snorkel delights
 of the attraction), but the trail is well marked by   to  Emmagen  Beach.  It’s  best  enjoyed  early   Before you leave though, why not take a stroll   A day on the reef along the waters of Cape
 pink tape and winds its way through untouched   morning to avoid the extreme heat of the   around the Daintree Village or plan a lunch there   spoken about often, but they are breathtaking   Tribulation in the shadows of the Daintree
 and exquisite rainforest.   day.  Take a breakfast picnic, enjoy the soft   before you head to the falls for the afternoon –   and in my opinion among the best in the Far   David Attenborough talks about the reef that   National Park is a memorable and complete
 sands, coastal breeze and unspoilt coastline.   the village is quirky, the locals friendly and the   North Queensland.  accompanies the Daintree.   bucket list experience.
 When you finally get to the top and you look   Remember, this is crocodile and stinger   pace is perfectly matched for holidays.
 down towards the reef and surrounding   territory, so do not enter the beach waters at   From the lodge, “Walk along the eastern edge   What better way to experience the wonderous  Mason’s swimming hole
 rainforest – it’s really something else and a very   any point.  Homerule Falls  waters that overlook the Daintree then by   An article about the marvels of the Daintree
 special experience.   of the dam, turn left and follow the dam wall to   heading out to the beautiful Mackay Reef in   wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the
 Just save your swim for your return journey.   Experience Level:  Medium / Suitable for trail fit   the hydro-electric generator shed, where a sign   Cape Tribulation.
 Keep in mind we are now in the wet season;   Cross the road, pop your picnic in the car and   families  on the ground at the edge of the forest points   most renowned family in the area and their
 if you choose to hike this trail it’s going to be   follow the trail in the opposite direction for   Arriving  in  rapid  time,  Ocean  Safari  departs   famous swimming hole.
 humid, sticky and the trail will be slippery   10 minutes and you will discover a popular   Still have waterfall fever?  Then I’d definitely   the way to the falls.   Situated along the sole road to Cape Tribulation,
 if it’s been raining so ensure you have the   swimming spot with crystal clear waters   recommend you take this perfect wet season   The distinct track follows a water pipeline to   from Cape Tribulation Beach and you’ll be able   Mason’s Store is an iconic location to get a bite
 necessary experience, ample water (four litres   ensuring a safe and refreshing dip.   Do not   adventure with a day trip to the majestic   the falls. It is a gradual climb to an impressive   to spend quality snorkel time at both Mackay   to eat and take in your rainforest surroundings
 recommended) and proper hiking equipment to   forget your camera.  Homerule Falls. A three-hour drive from   and Undine Reefs, where you’ll likely interact   However, what you must do and what you can’t
 deal with the conditions.   Port Douglas, if you have the time make it   three-tiered waterfall that plunges into a deep   with turtles and other marine life.  leave off your Daintree wish list is a swim in
            pool between gorge walls of vertical slate.”
 Emmagen Beach  Waterfall Magic  an overnight trip and stay over at Home Rule   Staying in Port Douglas? No need to miss out   the rainforest swimming hole behind their shop.
 Rainforest Lodge, which offers accommodation
 On that note, it wouldn’t be Far North   and camping in shady parklands beside Wallaby   A moderate 2.6 kilometre return walk will take   as well-known eco-tourism operator, Sailaway   Drop a donation into the tin and take the short
 Experience Level – Easy   about 40 minutes each way but do yourself a
 Queensland and Douglas Shire living without   Creek.  Considered heading further north?     Reef & Island Tours, offer daily trips out to the   walk to the swimming hole. No, there are no
 Emmagen Beach is one those picture postcard   mentioning a few perfect local waterfalls to   Cooktown is only 40 minutes up the road and   favour and allow more time as you will want to   spectacular Mackay Coral Cay aboard their   crocs, so you can swim safely until your heart is
 locations you can hardly believe exists. Tucked   keep cool in this green season.  well worth the visit too.   spend some time at the falls.    luxury sailing catamaran.  content. So… what are you waiting for?
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