Page 66 - Port Douglas Magazine 35
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                                        A Destination in its own right!

                      long time favourite with locals, Choo Choos @   of volunteers allowing it to operate over many years in Port
                      the Marina has amped up the pulling power with   Douglas between the Marina and St Crispin’s. Now the
                 A the addition of two new star attractions.   forever home for the trains is at the Marina, where they’ve
                 First, the old Bally Hooley sugar train and carriages from   been  lovingly  restored  and refurbed  by a  team  of local
                 Mossman Mill have been restored and set up as dining cars   artisan craftspeople.
                 right at the station, and recently opened is the new Choo   At one time Port had a population of 12,000 with 27 pubs
                 Choo’s Ice Creamery - designed for ice cream connoisseurs.   when it was a service town for the goldfields, and in 1897
                 With great views over the Marina, Choo Choo’s Chef Jens   the Mossman Sugar Mill was established and started carting
                 has created menus that feature locally sourced produce,   sugar and passengers throughout the shire. In the year of
                 great  coffee  as  well  as  breakfast  and  lunch.  The  Ice   1900,  23,000  passengers  were  carried.  Thirty  five  years
                 Creamery is a great addition as we now start to see more   later, the last passenger was carried on Christmas Eve.
                 visitors arriving. We all know there’s nothing like an icy cold
                 ice cream at any time of the day.             CHOO CHOO’S ICE CREAMERY
                                                               Designed by the same artisan carpenters who restored the
                 TRAINS                                        train, the Ice Creamery features the renowned Connoisseur
                 The much-loved Bally Hooley Steam Trains that have been   ice cream selection, as well as local Biodynamic Mungalli
                 a part of the Douglas Shire since 1897 have taken on a new   options. Favours range from rich dark chocolate to tropical
                 life that shares the remarkable part they have played in the   mango and more.
                 region’s history with a new generation of locals and visitors.   Perfect for a hot afternoon, or after a day out on the reef!
                 Now refurbished as traditional, but very cool, dining cars at
                 the Marina Station, the trains are proving a hit with young
                 and old.                            
                 Purchased from Mossman Mill in 2002, the John Morris
                 family has owned and maintained the trains, as well as
                 the tracks, with a core team including a dedicated group
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