Page 120 - Port Douglas Magazine 35
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                     JIMMY HILTON

           We have a chat with                                                                                                                                                                      “When I’m not on call
              Sonographer and                                                                                                                                                                       for the hospital and the
                Radiographer at                                                                                                                                                                     weather is good, I like
            Mossman Hospital,
                   Jimmy Hilton                                                                                                                                                                     to sneak out for an early

                                                                                                                                                                                                    morning fish/dive on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    reef with some mates.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    We are so fortunate
                                                                                                                                                                                                    to have the reef at our

                                                                                                                                                                                                    7. What attracted you to Douglas Shire above other
                                                                                                                                                                                                    I love the rural lifestyle here. There is a real community feel – I
                                                                                                                                                                                                    know that if I’m ever in need, my neighbours won’t hesitate to
                                                                                                                                                                                                    help. When I’m home on my property I feel a hundred miles
                                                                                                                                                                                                    away but I’m actually just a quick drive into town, which is
                                                                        The Hilton Family, Kylie, Nova, Jimmy, Cody and Mietta                                                                      necessary when I’m on call for the hospital. The Douglas Shire is
                                                                                                                                                                                                    surrounded by reef, rainforest, waterfalls and mountains. There
                                                                                                                                                                                                    is always something to do outdoors. I wanted that adventurous
            1. What inspired you to become a Radiographer   ultrasound services available. Personally, I find   and exploring a new destination. Locally, I like                                    lifestyle and wide-open spaces for my kids to grow up in.
            / Sonographer?                      this very challenging not being able to help   searching out the many great mountains and
                                                somebody or find a diagnosis for a patient’s   water falls throughout north Queensland and
            I grew up in a remote area in southern NSW,   symptoms. On the other hand, this is what   spending weekends up at Lake Tinaroo with our                                                 8. Who inspires you and what excites you about future
            working the farm throughout my schooling   attracts me to this hospital and provides great   ski boat.                                                                                  developments in your field?
            life. My parents had always emphasised how   job satisfaction diagnosing pathologies with
            important it was to gain a career, travel and   limited resources available.                                                                                                            The technology in medical imaging continues to advance and
            experience life while I was young. I could                                                                                                                                              I enjoy learning alongside it. Images are clearer and it’s much
            always come back to farming later when I had                            5. Any advice to those thinking of pursuing a                                                                   faster to get results than it has been in the past. Professionally,
                                                                                    career in Healthcare?
            some more life skills. My mum was a nurse and   3. What does your perfect Sunday look like?                                                                                             I have worked with some amazing colleagues throughout
            encouraged me to pursue a career in health                              In health there are so many professions to                                                                      Australia and internationally. It helps to have people at work
            care. Medical Imaging sounded appealing and   I’m an early bird, so I’m always up at dawn   choose from and then within a lot of disciplines                                            who push you to do your best. I am inspired daily by the
            that inspired me to work hard at school gaining   either training or getting some jobs done on my   there are more specialties. If you’re passionate                                    people I work with at Mossman Hospital. We have a great
            good academic results to get into university.    property. When I’m not on call for the hospital   about helping people, there will be a career for                                     team of doctors, nurses, admin, operational and allied health
            After working in radiography and travelling   and the weather is good, I like to sneak out   you. I think a big challenge in healthcare is that                                         professionals.
            Europe for a few years I decided to put my   for an early morning fish/dive on the reef with   as much as we empathize about our patients, we
            head down and further my studies to become a   some mates. We are so fortunate to have the   must always stay objective.  Otherwise, when
            sonographer.                        reef at our backdoor. After these adventures, I   you get home, the brain can’t leave work behind                                                   9. Any cases that have presented an interesting challenge or a
                                                like to spend some quality family time with my   and that is exhausting.                                                                            funny story you can share?
                                                amazing wife and three wonderful children.
            2. What is one of the biggest challenges                                                                                                                                                Being one of the few male sonographers in the area, I was asked
            working in your field?                                                  6. Personally, what attributes have helped you                                                                  by my colleagues in Cairns to do a presentation on ultrasound
                                                4. What is one of your favourite holiday   succeed in your role?                                                                                    of fractured penises. It was educational, but I made sure it was
            As with most working environments there are                                                                                                                                             also entertaining. Word got out, and I was asked to present
            always limitations within the scope of practice.   destinations - past or future?  I would describe myself as a people person who                                                       down in Brisbane then a few more times at the national
            Mossman being a small rural hospital does   I can’t possibly nail that down to one   likes to help others. I am hard working and                                                        conference and even got to present it overseas in Canada.
            not have access to advanced equipment such   destination! My favourite holidays in recent   can’t sit still. I like to push my limits physically
            as CT, MRI, angiography and fluoroscopy,   years have been sailing the Whitsundays and   as well as mentally, so I’m always eager to                                                    10.Coffee or Wine?
            and therefore it often becomes a challenge   snowboarding in Japan. I can’t just laze around   further my knowledge and skills through                                                  I love a good coffee in the morning, but prefer a beer over a
            to provide a diagnosis using the x-ray and   on the beach or by a pool. I love being active   continual professional education.                                                         wine in the evening.
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