Page 112 - Port Douglas Magazine 35
P. 112



                                    The Urban Sketching Movement

                                                      WORDS by Jamie Jansen

               A                                              Sue explains that the group was started five years ago by three
                      pencil, a sketchpad, a beautiful environment and
                      good company. Every week a group of locals come
                                                              members of the Douglas Arts Gallery (also known as DAB) in
                                                              Mossman; Alison,  Jeanette and Pat.  “Alison discovered the
                      together to draw on location and share their love
                                                              one in Port Douglas.
               sketching.  for Port Douglas, Mossman and surrounds through   Urban Sketching group in Cairns and was motivated to also start
               The group is part of the Urban Sketching Movement, a
               global  community of artists  that  practice drawing  the local   “I was inspired by Alison’s sketching at DAB and decided to join
               environment.                                   the  group  to  learn  more  about  it.  Unfortunately  Alison  is  no
               The  movement  was  started  on  Flickr  in  2007  by  Spanish   longer with us so Pat took over the organisation of the group,
               journalist Gabriel Campanario. In 2009 Campanario established   and I now organise locations each week.
               Urban Sketchers as a non-profit organisation with the motto:   Whether you are visiting for a holiday or settled in the area, the
               “We show the world, one drawing at a time!”.   mantra is open. “Everyone is welcome to join the group if they
               Groups all over the world draw on location,  indoors or out,   consent to our manifesto. We capture from direct observation,
               capturing what they see from direct observation. Their drawings   you’re not supposed to sketch from a photo. After a meet-up
               tell the story of the surroundings, the places they live and where   we share our sketches in our group and we comment on each
               they travel. With more than 120,000 members, there are urban   other’s work,” says Sue.
               sketching groups - also called ‘chapters’ - in 60 countries and in
               336 cities.                                    RELAXING PASTIME
               The urban sketchers see their urban world as they draw it, using
               different kinds of media to showcase their individuality. From   Jeanette Yarr, one of the founders of the group, says that they
               sketching  on  a  busy  commute  to  observing  the  world  from  a   started the group with only four or five people. “Now we’ve got
               coffee shop, there are no boundaries when it comes to urban   this big group, it’s amazing,” she says.
               sketching.                                     “Sketching is such a relaxing pastime. We have a lot of beginners
                                                              in the group who have never sketched before. You don’t need
               INSPIRED BY THE SCENERY                        to worry if you don’t have any experience, you can just start
                                                              off with something very simple. We have a lot of people who
               Urban  Sketchers Port  Douglas/Mossman is  one of the many   have never sketched before and now they’re painting with
               ‘chapters’ around the globe, and with so many beautiful places   watercolour.”
               in and around Port Douglas, they never run out of inspiration.   Jeanette is originally from Victoria and she loves the tropics.
               I  meet  the group  at  Palmer  Sea  Reef in  Port  Douglas,  a golf   “The landscape up here is just so unique but my favourite spot is
               course  nestled  between  an  oasis  of unparalleled  views  of   Four Mile park because of the magnificent trees, I love painting
               greens. The veranda of the clubhouse offers stunning views over   them.”
               the golf course, surrounded by palm trees and the backdrop of   Beverlie Warner is turning 90 this year and is happy she is still
               pristine mountains.                            able to join the group. “I love the company of the people and I
               The group is spread out over the veranda, with some finding   am learning more about sketching and painting every day.”
               a space for themselves to work quietly on their  artwork and
               others finding company at a round table, chatting away while
               stroking their pencils on their sketchpads.    BEING PART OF A GLOBAL COMMUNITY
               I find Sue Jones at the round table, she organises the locations   Michele Salkow has found a spot for herself on the couch and
               for  the  group  and  says  that  she  gets  inspired  by  the  scenery   is in full concentration when I ask her when she started joining
               every day. “We have an incredible landscape around us, there   the group. “I started coming along three years ago,” she tells me.
               is so much to see and it is lovely being able to sketch outdoors,”   “The atmosphere is great, you meet a lot of different people who
               she says.                                      you can share ideas with.

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