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A few years ago in my mid forties I was walking age disproportionately, increasing the risk of tears and An experienced nurse of 30 years, Joyce Coyle enjoys working in all At Deep Beauty Port Douglas exceptional customer service is our
along Four Mile Beach with my dogs when I spotted injury. This degradation occurs over many years and aspects of the acute medical setting, concentrating on Anti-aging priority. As we professionally guide you through your treatment,
someone I had a huge crush on. goes unnoticed by most.
treatments that deliver fresh and rejuvenated results. We use antiwrinkle we simply ask that you relax and enjoy your time.
I hadn’t yet introduced myself but still thought it would Intense workouts now such as HIIT training, aerobics & Injectables to smooth the fine lines and wrinkles and premium quality We offer all beauty services: facials treatments (lactic acid and
be a good idea to impress them with my sprinting skills. circuit cross training may not suit all of us as we age dermal fillers to provide a natural ‘liquid face lift.’ glycolic peels, fl ower peel microdermabrasion, LED, aromatherapy
I tightly wound up the dog leashes and then bolted gracefully. Everybody’s personal journey will steer a We also offer an exciting new drug free collagen stimulating anti-aging facials), relaxation massage, body scrubs, manicures and pedicures,
past them, along the shore edge, pretending not to see different course but if we remain true to ourselves, it will treatment. Come in and talk to me about Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and waxing, tinting and eyelash lifts.
them, convincing myself I looked fantastically athletic, help us achieve our overall health and wellness goals. PDO Mono Threads. You will be delighted with the end results.
virile & strong. It wasn’t long before I felt my left calf Take time for some mindful refl ection. It is so important Here to help with medical conditions too; embarrassing overactive We use only Australian owned and made products. Inika Organic for
spasm and I collapsed right in front of them in the sand. to really listen to your body. This will help alleviate those sweat glands (hyperhydrosis), teeth grinding and tension headaches a natural and organic approach and Pelactiv a divine Cosmeceutical
With a face, and now speedo, full of sand and dogs fears of an ageing body and allow you to explore other are all treatable with a couple of tiny, painless injections! range that delivers targeted results for Visibly Healthy Skin.
jumping all over me, I could hear them say, “Are you forms of exercise that may complement your current Combine experience and a natural ability to build relationships and Make every experience the relaxing and luxurious one you deserve.
ok?” Dying inside, I got up, mumbled something and fi tness regime or present new challenges. trust with my clients, you will want to come back time and time again! Tik White 0488 550 357
limped into the bushes praying nobody saw me, which Mobility and strength seem to be recurring desires of Book an exclusive appointment today on 0404 017 475
of course they clearly did! many of my clients as they move into their mid years.
On my way home, humiliated, I laughed at myself and From my experience, this is where I believe stretching,
thought, “What the hell were you thinking?!” yin yoga & restorative exercises can be a wonderful
alternative. Perfect for beginners or the devoted it
I was then 47, hadn’t run in years (decades) and had addresses and nurtures your ligaments and tendons
inadvertently joined the club I swore I would never be helping to promote strength, mobility, balance and
in, the middle-aged-person-thinking-they-are-still-in- fl exibility.
One thing is for certain though, whatever you decide
For the last two decades as a masseur, stretch therapist is the best path for your body, the relief and joy I see
& yoga teacher, I’ve heard all the stories of weekend in people when they continue to move and exercise
warriors trying to do in their forties & fi fties what they throughout their life is a beautiful thing.
could do in their twenties and expecting the same
result. I can sense their frustration and pain at growing And on a fi nal note, some mindful refl ection of my own.
old, unable to do what came so easily in their youth. Next time I am keen to introduce myself to someone I
like, the more sensible approach may just be to hold off
As we age our muscles do indeed atrophy. However the on the sprint tactics and just say hello.
remaining muscle integrity remains relatively unchanged,
there’s just less of it. Ligaments and tendons do seem to Everyday we live and learn.
by appointment only
Book your experience online or call 4099 5183
Port Douglas, open 7 days | |
Find all these services located at The Deep Retreat & Yoga Studio
PHOTO CREDIT: Catseye Productions Corner of Owen & Warner Street, Port Douglas.