Page 101 - Port Douglas Magazine 33
P. 101


 QUESTIONS           “One of the main
                       inspirations for

                 opening a vet clinic
 with         here was the fact that

 DR. CAMERON HENDRICKS  we absolutely love
                 the place and really
             wanted to live here...”

 We have a chat with one of
 the new docs on the block,
 Dr Cameron Hendricks,
 of Port Douglas Vets  4. What is one of your favourite holiday
            destinations - past or future?
            This is going to sound fabricated, but honestly
            Port Douglas. Before opening Port Douglas Vets,
            we had been holidaying up here every year for
            years.  While  we always  went bush during our
            trips up here, a fair portion of the time was spent

            in Port enjoying everything it has to offer. One of
            the main inspirations for opening a vet clinic here

            was the fact that we absolutely love the place and really wanted to   quality veterinary facility offering a consistent service. Port Douglas
            live here. Now that we are actually here and have been able to get   has the small-town community vibe that is a big part of both our
            involved in the community only reaffi rms our decision to move here   backgrounds. It’s a great part of the world for lifestyle, exploring

            and start the clinic.                                 and raising a family. We knew from our market research that the
                                                                  right  Veterinary Service here  would be  warmly  welcomed and
            5. As pet owners what should we be mindful of in the Tropics?  appreciated by the community, which has certainly been the case
            Everything. Haha. It’s crazy, the climate together with the vegetation   since we opened.

            are perfect conditions for a number of nasties when it comes to the   8. What excites you about future developments in your field?
            health of our pets. Paralysis ticks are a big one up here. They do
 The t eam a t P ort Dougl as  V e ts (L  t o R)  T yl er  M ous, H arry   W a t ers,  J ade De vlin, Camer on H endricks.   exactly as the name suggests, their toxin causes paralysis, which   Probably the fact that there are always things to learn. There is
 The team at Port Douglas Vets (L to R) Tyler Mous, Harry Waters, Jade Devlin, Cameron Hendricks.
 PHOTO CREDIT: Jeremy Lebeuf.
 PHO T O CREDIT :  J er em y  L ebeuf .  if left untreated can be life threatening. Thankfully there are great   never  a  point where  a veterinarian  can  confi dently  say  that  they
            preventatives on the market as well if your pet does acquire a tick,   know everything there is to know and that they can do everything
            there  is  also  antiserum  that we  can  administer  against  the  toxin.   that there is to do. We will learn something new every day, until
 1.What inspired you to become a veterinarian?  Leptospirosis is another disease of concern in the tropics. It is spread   the day we retire. Scope for professional development is vast and
                                                                  every year we attend conferences and workshops to improve our
 Being a vet provides the perfect balance of technical and intellectual   by rats and mice and while it can be lethal to your pet if they catch   skills and knowledge. Every time that we learn something new our
            the disease, it is also a human health risk. These two factors make
 challenge, and the fulfi lment of helping an animal in need. Every   it a must with respect to prevention. There is an effective vaccine   patients benefi t as we are able to apply this expertise to our clinic

 day is different from the last and you never know what new problem   and the job that we do.
 is going to walk through the door, and what skills and information   available which forms part of our annual health assessment and
 you’ll need to draw upon to help the animal. We both grew up   vaccine protocol.  9. Any particularly interesting cases you have had through your
 with animals and understand how they contribute to their family’s   6. Any advice to those thinking of pursuing a career in   door or a funny story you can share?
 health and happiness. The fulfi lment of being a vet relates not only   veterinary science?  We had one case of a staffy who happened to stumble across a

 to helping the voiceless animal, but also in playing a role in the   fi sh hook with bait attached. Before the owner could react this dog
 positives of pet ownership.  Study hard at school. Get a good grounding in the sciences,   quickly gobbled the bait, fi sh hook, line attached and all. So he came
            especially chemistry.  After all, the course is called  Veterinary
 2. What is one of the biggest challenges working in veterinary   Science. See if  you actually like the industry and  what  we do.   in,  nylon  fi shing  line  disappearing  down  his  gullet.  Quite  happy
 science?   Spend some time in a Vet Clinic if possible, but also get out on   with himself indeed. Owners  were not as impressed as he  was.
                                                                  Obviously we couldn’t just pull the line as that would jag the hook
 One of the biggest challenges is that every case requires your full   farm, animal shelters, welfare organisations. University is tough, but   into the esophagus. So we anaesthetized him, took radiographs
 attention  and  expertise  to  achieve  the  very  best  outcome.  You   the workplace is tougher. Good work ethic and enthusiasm can’t be   which showed the location of the hook in the mid-esophagus. Then
            taught, but they are two attributes essential in this fi eld. Getting into
 could perform a textbook perfect cat surgery, and then move onto   the course is the hardest part initially as the demand for university   with the use of an endoscope and an instrument called alligator
 a sick dog, switch your mind from surgery to medicine in an instant   places is very high. Academic excellence and a positive mindset   forceps we carefully removed the hook via the mouth and surgery
 and this process can repeat itself 20 plus times a day. Every life   was avoided. The dog woke up from the anaesthetic none the wiser.
 that comes through our door is as important and special as the life   are what is required to stand out from the rest. And of course, don’t

 that arrived both before and after. Staying constantly focused can   give up on your dreams, they are achievable, but nothing hard ever   10. Coffee or Wine?
            came easy.
 certainly be challenging, but the rewards are well worth it.     Depends  on  the  time  of  day,  but we  are  quite  fond  of  and well
 3. What does your perfect Sunday look like?  7. What attracted you to Port Douglas above other destinations   acquainted with both. And sometimes espresso martinis please.
            to open your practice?
 Breakfast with my family. Long walk to get coffee. Relaxing fresh

 seafood lunch. Fishing or diving in the afternoon. Picnic on the   My  business  partner,  Harry  and  I  had  both  spent  time  in  Port
            Douglas before and loved the location, the community and
 beach for dinner with a nice bottle of red or white depending on   the surroundings. We felt there was a need here for a one-stop,
 the dish.                                              
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