Page 77 - Port Douglas Magazine 31
P. 77

WORDS by Rosie Wang
 The  Great  Barrier  Reef
 supports  over  1500  species
 of  fi sh,  400  species  of  coral
 and 4000 species of molluscs.
 There  is  more  diversity  of
 species of plants and animals
 per  cubic  metre  than  in  any
 other environment in the world.
 Port Douglas is ideally located
 as   the   perfect   gateway   OPAL REEF &
 to  discover  this  amazing    MACKAY   AGINCOURT   OSPREY
 This  guide  will  help  you  LOW ISLES  CORAL   TONGUE                    ADDITIONAL INFO
 underwater world.
 decide  how  you  want  to   CAY  REEF  REEF    REEF
 explore the Great Barrier Reef

 Low Isles is located approx. 12   Approx. 25 km East of Cape   50 km from Port Douglas  50 km from Port Douglas  300 km from Port Douglas,  WHAT TO BRING?
 km from Port Douglas.  Tribulation.   These reefs are ideal   Boats will moor up in about 10m   Osprey Reef is truly wild and   •   Hat
 The white sands dip gently   50 km from Port Douglas.  for snorkelers with   of water and snorkellers swim   remote  •   Towel
 shallower water (3/4
              (approx 30m) to the shallower
 from the shore making this
 LOCATION  island ideal for paddling in a   Snorkelling is in shallow water   metres) snorkelers can   areas to view the reef.  •   Swimwear
                                                                           Environmentally friendly sunscreen
 comfortable depth of water..   swim around bommies   Diving here max depth 18m   •   Sunglasses
 All tours include the use of a   (coral outcrops) and along   Snorkelling is along walls and   •   Camera
 shallow walls.
 glass bottom boat.  tops of bommies.                                   •   Certifi ed Divers – Certifi cation Card & Logbook
                                                                        SEA SICKNESS
 SPEED BOAT - 15 MIN  SPEED BOAT - 25 MIN  HIGH SPEED CATAMARAN -   HIGH SPEED CATAMARAN -   CHARTER YACHT  •   Natural remedies may include ginger
                                                                            (raw or tablets)
               90 MINS
 90 MINS
                                                                            Sitting facing the direction you are travelling
                                                                        •   Looking to the horizon
                                                                        •   Otherwise get organised prior travel with a
                                                                            medication suitable for you and remember to
                                                                            consult directions 24 hours before departure
 Giant clams, batfi sh, turtles,   Mackay Cay is a picturesque   Clown fi sh (Nemo),   Shoals of Barracuda, nurse   Close encounters with schools   WATER TEMPERATURE

 barracuda, black tip sharks,   snow white sandy coral cay   damselfi sh, parrot fi sh,   sharks, butterfly fi sh, angel fi sh,   of trevally, giant potato cod,
 clown fi sh, angel fi sh, sea   fringed with crystal blue waters   surgeon fi sh, butterfly fi sh,   parrot fi sh, clown fi sh, mauri   green turtles, moray eels,   April till July ranges from 24 to 26 degrees celsius

 cucumbers, trevally, sweetlips,   and populated by terns.   angel fi sh. Blue spotted   wrasse, fan corals, lion fi sh,   octopuses, and a variety of
 WHAT WILL   moon wrasse, fusiliers.  Sea turtles, clown fi sh,   stingrays, lizardfi sh, blue   sweetlips, squid, lettuce coral,   sharks are all but guaranteed.  EMC - ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CHARGE
              table coral, boulder corals,
 chromis, paddle tail snappers,
                                                                        $7.00 per person

 butterfly fi sh, a huge variety
 Dugongs and Humpbacks
 I SEE?  (in season) can also be seen   of colourful coral, eagle rays,   red bass, reef sharks, turtles,   blue stripe snappers, gobies,   This applies to all adults and children 4 years and over
              goldband fusiliers. Octopus,
 wrasse, white tip reef shark,
 These are not guaranteed   around the Low Isles   sea cucumbers, starfi sh, a   giant clams, red bass,   green humphead parrot fi sh,   entering the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage area.
 fantastic giant clam garden,
                                                                        All funds received are applied directly to the Marine Park
 Low Isles attracts many birds
 as marine life is always on   including Orange-footed   blue spotted stingrays  barracuda, trevally, Maori   manta rays, loggerhead turtles,   for its day-to-day management and to improve its long-
 wrasse, Spanish mackerel,
              grey reef whaler sharks,
 the move  scrub fowl, reef egret, osprey,   schooling baitfi sh,        term resilience.
 brahminy kite, terns,kingfi sher,   Corals - fan, table, boulder
 honey-eaters, triller, spangled   Corals – boulder, staghorn  lettuce, pavona  The Great Barrier Reef is a National Marine Park
 drongo.      Humpback Whales (May-Sep) ,                               so remember to take home only memories and
              Minke Whales (July-Sep)                                   photographs

 1928 the Low Isles was the   Being only 25 km from shore   With Opal Reef being   Agincourt Reef, the southern   Its exceptional architecture, with   All outer reef day cruises include a buffet lunch,

 base of the fi rst scientifi c coral   you can still snorkel with a   formed in a crescent this   most part of the Ribbon   vertical walls, drop-offs and   morning and afternoon snacks and equipment. This

 offers optimum shelter from
                                                                        includes lycra suits and buoyancy aids (life vests and
 reef study in the world.
              Reefs, offers around 30
                                          swim-throughs, is the summit

 view of the Daintree Rainforest.
 SPECIAL   Lows Isles has 150 different   The only place in the world   prevailing winds allowing   different dive/snorkel sites.  It   of a great mountain that rises   noodles). All diving equipment for divers.

 gentler waters.

                                          sharply from the ocean floor.
              is adjacent to the Coral Sea
 INTEREST   species of hard corals and   where a rainforest meets a   trench.  At dive sites like North Horn,   If you wish to dive and don’t have a certifi cation then
                                                                        it is possible to partake in an introductory dive with an
 15 species of soft corals.  7
 FEATURES  species of seagrass.           Admiralty and False Entrance   instructor (subject to medical conditions).
                                          you’ll fi nd walls stepping
 It takes 20 minutes to walk
                                                                        You can design your own day on the reef with a private
 around the island on a self-             down to 1000 metres, caves    charter vessel.
 guided walk.                             and grottoes to explore, and   Compare and book your reef experience direct with
                                          overhangs covered in huge soft
                                          corals.                       the operator via
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