Page 64 - Port Douglas Magazine 30
P. 64

Brooke, Louisa and Maddison.
          Master Reef Guides for Sailaway Port Douglas

                              THE MASTERS OF THE

                        GREAT BARRIER


                                                     INTERVIEW by Rosie Wang

          In February 2019 Australia welcomed the first cohort of Master Reef   Operators and Tourism Events Queensland, it is the first of its kind for the
          Guides.  The  concept  was  so  well  received  a  second  cohort  followed   Reef.
          quickly in November.  With only 26 certified guides in Australia Port
                                                               Of the six qualified guides based in Port Douglas, and more destined in 2020,
          Douglas was fortunate to host six of them.
                                                               three of the six work for one local company, Sailaway Port Douglas.  Owner
          So what is a Master Reef Guide?                      Steve Edmondson firmly believes that, “Immersing yourself in nature is the
                                                               best way to influence a greater understanding of the bigger picture and global
          Master Reef Guides are recognised as the world’s leading reef guides,
          interpreters and story tellers trained to share the wonders of the Great   challenges we all face.” He said “our strength here at Sailaway is having
                                                               extremely knowledgeable and professionally qualified crew engaging with
          Barrier Reef World Heritage Area.  These ambassadors can provide up-to-
                                                               small passenger numbers.  As our qualified marine biologists become further
          date information on the reef, share stories of the magical World Heritage
                                                               certified as Master Reef Guides it enables them to effectively communicate
          Area and explain what we, as visitors, can do to make a difference.
                                                               to visitors how best to enjoy and protect our fragile environment.”
          All Guides are nominated and then chosen to undertake comprehensive
                                                               We sat down with three of Sailaway’s finest, Brooke Nikora, Louisa Payne
          training on the Master Reef Guide programme. Delivered by the Great
          Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Association of Marine Park Tourism   and Maddison Jones to find out what motivated these leaders in their field
                                                               to become a Master Reef Guide?
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