Page 56 - Port Douglas Magazine 30
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Signature Dish                                                                                                                                                                                                               Signature Dish

                                                      SASSI LA CUCINA + BAR                                                              CHAPTER ONE

                                                                                                 Chilli Mud Crab                         Diamantina Full Blood Angus Tomahawk

                                                             wners Tony and Di Sassi,   Tony preparing food he believes in, which        Best accompanied by: 2013 Yalumba Tri Centenary Grenache
                                                             legendary in the Port Douglas   evokes your taste memories aplenty.
                                                             restaurant scene, have put   Service is on point, a well-oiled machine              hen you meet him Darren, the   produce and a combination of techniques from
                                                     Otogether a venue where         of Italian spirit on both   oor and in the                  owner of Chapter One Restaurant,   artisan to modern including cooking with fi re,
                                                     service is disarmingly attentive and the   kitchen, captained by restaurant manager   Wyou fi nd he is a likeable character.   smoking, fermenting and sous vide. Th  e menu
                                                     aperitivo selection and wine list is well   Vincenzo.  Hired for his beaming smile   A chef himself, his passion for food radiates   allows us to create tailored dining experiences,
                                                     thought out.  Th  e menu is the perfect   and exemplary hospitality background,     from within.                      each unique including a la carte, multiple
                                                     refl ection of timeless Italian food but   Vincenzo hails from Puglia, the next region   In his own words: “It is all about individual   courses as a  degustation  or large  boards to
                                                     with a contemporary twist and a fragrant   to the south of Abruzzo on the Adriatic   experiences and what makes you smile; every   share,” Darren tells us.
                                                     lightness of touch to suit the climate.  coast. As such, you immediately feel the   detail has been considered to create these   Produce such as sustainable premium fi nfi sh
                                                     Italian to the bone, Tony Sassi was born in   welcome embrace of an Italian community   experiences. Th  is story is about the creation of   from Cairns, free-range corn-fed chicken
                                                     Abruzzo on the Adriatic coast of Italy. He   right in the heart of Port Douglas. Witness   the dish you’re enjoying, where the ingredients   and  our  particular  choice  tonight,  the  1.4kg
                                                     grew up with the wonderful   avours of   the interaction between a culinary icon and   came from, the people that raised and grew   signature Black Angus Tomahawk. Darren
                                                     the Italian seaside which he now translates   the  upcoming  generation in  hospitality -   them  and  the  hands  that  lovingly  prepared   proudly notes: “Chapter One is the only North
                                                     into a modern cucina without loosing the   you can see why this team provides a recipe   them”.                       Qld restaurant with an exclusive selection of
                                                     “heart” of Italian food. Known for the   for success.                               With beautiful poolside views, Chapter One   premium steak cuts from esteemed Queensland
                                                     lingering, exquisitely balanced   avours in   As you would expect, the menu also o  ers   off ers an intimate and relaxed setting. On   beef breeder and producer Stanbroke, including
                                                     all his dishes food critics have noted that   a range of favourites to suit every taste and   looks alone, it is easy to see why Chapter   F1 wagyu, dry aged and grass fed cuts, hanger
                                                     Tony  achieves  these  great  results  by  not   budget.  Enjoy handmade pasta, sensational   One is Port Douglas’ premier dining and only   steaks, blade and on the bone cuts.”
                                                     overworking the fresh ingredient – it’s   chargrilled steaks or one of their personal   hatted restaurant. Th  en it hits you, the smell of   Th  e full blood Angus  breed is  renowned for
                                                     simple and it’s ‘sassi’.        favourites, Carpaccio di Salmone. If a bar          deliciousness from the wood fi red chargrill and   its excellent eating quality. With beautiful
                                                     With  a  natural  abundance  of mouth-  atmosphere and grazing is more your style,   smokers, and your taste buds begin to buzz.   marbling and intense fl avour, a Tomahawk is   CHAPTER ONE RESTAURANT & BAR
          “A sensitive, intelligent re  ection of    watering fresh seafood Tony is renowned   then sample one of their authentic Italian   “Everything in our kitchen is made from   an on-the-bone rib eye, leaving an amazing   1 Bale Drive, Port Douglas
          the location, the produce underpinned      for his skills working with this produce,   pizzas or alternatively some spuntini with                                presentation. As it is bone-in, it has quite a   (07) 4099 1144
                                                                                                                                                                           large amount of inter-muscular fat which
          by rock solid technique.“                  beautifully brought together in his signature   your chilled glass of wine of beer is a great   “With beautiful marbling and intense   gives it loads of fl avour. As it cooks fl avours   [email protected]
                                                     Chilli Mud Crab.  A sensitive, intelligent
                                                     re  ection of the location, the produce   Whether you choose to dine outside           avour, a Tomahawk is an on-the-  are  released  from  both  the  bone  and  the  fat
                                                     underpinned by rock solid technique. With   under the stars and bougainvillea, street   bone rib eye, leaving an amazing   making it a full fl avoured, melt-in-the- mouth
          SASSI LA CUCINA + BAR                      his light hand and ability to extract   avours   side for great people watching or inside in   presentation.”         experience. Perfect for sharing, and paired with
          4 Macrossan St, Port Douglas               from his few, carefully chosen ingredients,   airconditioned comfort for the summer,                                  a few sides, it makes a wonderful main course.
          (07) 4099 6744                             the result is a quite literally a memorable   just remember …                       scratch. Led by executive chef Patrick Graham,   Combined with an outstanding wine list and   EVERYONE WELCOME
                                                     dish that will leave you mulling it over in
                                                                                                                                         the Chapter One menu has an uncompromising
                                                                                                                                                                           enthusiastic service, Chapter One off ers a
                               your mouth for days.  A great example of   at Sassi it is simple, it is all about the taste,   focus on delivering dishes driven by both   refi ned yet relaxed dining experience.   JUST FIVE MINUTES FROM TOWN
                                                                                     service and enjoying la dolce vita!
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