Page 4 - Port Douglas Magazine 30
P. 4


                             hat a great way to start your holiday heading north from Cairns Airport to
                             Port Douglas on the infamous Great Barrier Reef Drive. The tranquil view
                             over the Coral Sea as you meander up this picturesque coastline is one of
                  Wthe best in Queensland, and in my opinion, Australia.
                  Within 15 minutes you already feel a world away from your “normal” life.  You take that
                  extra breath (that coincidentally you didn’t even know you were holding on to) and you slip
                  into a different mode.
                  Welcome to Far North Queensland (FNQ).
                  Port Douglas is synonymous with natural beauty, playing host to the Great Barrier Reef,
                  Daintree Rainforest, Four Mile Beach, and Mossman Gorge to name a few.  It is easy to see
                  why this destination should sit firmly at the top of your wish list of travel hot spots.  Add
                  great food, an abundance of fresh produce, shopping and experiences abounding, and it
                  really does offer the full package.
                  One attraction that has long been synonymous with FNQ is the Saltwater Crocodile.
                  Understandably a little nerve wracking for some, Jeremy Lebeuf explores the long history
                  of this majestic creature and one message rings true. Be croc wise in croc country and the
                  experience undoubtedly will be a highlight of your time spent here.  Take extra time to
                  explore the Daintree Rainforest, witness the wonderful, weird, and often intriguing array of
                  flora and fauna and you will instil memories for life.
                  It is easy to appreciate on, above or under the water, why the Great Barrier Reef is one of the
                  world’s natural wonders, but it is imperative that we tread lightly.  Meet eco warriors Dr Dean
                  Miller, John Rumney and the GRB Legacy crew.  With big ideas, concern and unmatched
                  motivation they share their ambitions with us, establishing a first of its kind world class live
                  Coral Biobank in Port Douglas. Why do we need one? What can we do to help?  Education is
                  key so read on, join the movement, and make the right change matter.
                  To all you food lovers out there I bring good news as you may have just found your paradise
                  too.  Port is blessed with a range of choices to satisfy any appetite. So browse Signature Dish
                  (page 54) and plan your long days of indulgence. Perhaps you want to extend your own
                  repertoire?  The super duo at Oaks Kitchen is on hand to help you understand and enjoy the
                  labour of love right from seed to plate. In two words … sustainable and delicious!
                  Romance, family time, adventure or simply a chance to reset the pace of life button,
                  you have come to the right place, Port Douglas.

                  Whatever you choose.
                  Enjoy your time.


                                         CONTRIBUTORS             PHOTOGRAPHERS
                                                 Rachael Boon     Chris Baker, @bubblemaker_baker
                                                 Darren Garner    Clinton Barter, Barter Photography
                                                 Colin & Kevin    Perrin Clarke Photography
                                            David and Jane Lucas  Alison George of Catseye Productions
                                      Dr. Dean Miller & GBR Legacy  Katie Purling Photography
                                                     Di Sassi
                                                Benjamin Wallis   GUEST WRITERS
                                               Grahame Wearne     Tony Burke
                                                  David White     Sharon Burnell
                                       Whileaway Bookshop & Cafe  Cassie Flinn
                                                                  Michael Joseph
                                                                  Jeremy Lebeuf
                                                                  Amie McKay
                                                                  Sharon Timms

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