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            Users will be able to walk the trail from Port Douglas to Wangetti Beach
            over six days or bike from Wangetti Beach to Palm Cove in one day, or up
            to three days for the full trail.
            Delivering an iconic ecotourism experience like the Wangetti Trail requires
            extensive planning and engagement, with multiple stakeholders and
            environmental considerations.
            The State Government’s Member for Cook Cynthia Lui expects the trail to
            be finished by 2022.
            “We want to ensure that treasured natural and cultural assets on and around
            the Wangetti trail are protected, conserved and presented for the enjoyment   2019-20 BUDGET
            of current and future generations,” Ms Lui said.
                                                                         Environmental & Tourism
            “We want authentic ecotourism adventure experiences with quality
            accommodation and amenity for visitors.”
            Douglas Shire Council has recognised the potential in the ecotourism space   Highlights
            and is positioning the region to  become Australia’s leading sustainable
            tropical destination.
            The hugely popular Flagstaff Hill  Walking  Trail, which connects Four   Investment in Tourism and Events
            Mile Beach and Rex Smeal Park, is a shining example of how these
            environmentally friendly projects can become drawcards for the region.   $810,000
            Last year, the local tourism industry received a big green tick when it secured
            a place in a global top 100 list of most sustainable destinations.     Initiatives
            The Shire was the only Australian region to feature in the exclusive list
                                                                       • Wangetti Trail
            and Council received the worldwide achievement at the  Global Green
            Destinations Conference in the Netherlands.                • Implement a Cape Tribulation transfer station
            A recent study by global online booking giant, Trekk Soft, confirmed the      • Sustainable Events Policy
            rise of consumer preferences for sustainable tourism options.
                                                                       • Plastic Free Douglas strategy.
            The study revealed 55% of global travellers were determined to make
            sustainable travel choices, with 73% determined to stay in eco-friendly or      • EcoDestination Accreditation program.
            green accommodation.
                                                                       • "Butt it Bin it" program
            Council also plans to offset its carbon footprint for the next three years
            under  a  landmark  Healthy  Reef  Partnership  with  Qantas, Tourism  Port      • 2020-2025 Corporate Sustainability Strategy
            Douglas Daintree and GreenCollar.
                                                                       • Healthy Reef Partnership – carbon neutral
            The partnership is the first of its kind in Australia.
                                                                       • Port Douglas Waste Water Treatment Plan
            Council recently made changes to its events policy to encourage event
            organisers to be more environmentally sustainable.           Solar Energy feasibility study
            Mayor Leu said a strong environmental charter was vital to marketing the
            Douglas Shire.
                                                                                 Customer Service Centre
            “Council will continue striving to protect our most precious natural assets
                                                                                64-66 Front Street, Mossman
            because our tourism industry depends on it,” Mayor Leu said.
                                                                                      (07) 4099 9444
            “With spectacular natural areas such as the Daintree Rainforest, Great
            Barrier Reef and Mossman Gorge at our fingertips, Council continues
            to invest in destination marketing and popular events like Port Douglas
            Carnivale to draw more visitors to our region.”

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