Page 77 - Port Douglas Magazine 29
P. 77
s I make my way across the back deck of MV Monsoon, I force those I think I am beginning to understand the deep connection to the ocean I have
Alittle niggles of nerves all the way down to the bottom of my tummy. heard so many divers talk about. This is just magical.
It is my very first dive on The Great Barrier Reef, one of The Seven Wonders Tom brings me back to the moment with a thumbs up. A spiral of slow upward
of the Natural World, and I am here, on my own private vessel, with my own kick strokes takes us back through the labyrinth of underwater treasures.
private dive guide – what an absolute treat. I check my air and then with my buddy. I’m pretty happy with myself. We
My toes dangle over the edge and as I look down into what I believe to be the begin to make a leisurely ascent until we find the shallows for a safety stop.
most brilliant colour of blue I have ever seen, Tom asks, “Divers ready?” Clams! How BIG are the clams! It is now obvious why Tom has guided us here
Gulp. Here we go! for our final impressions. Wow!
I take one giant stride and plunge into the Coral Sea. Bubbles engulf my body Upon reaching the surface, I inflate my BCD, look up to the blue skies and lie
and tickle my face, and as they dwindle I remind myself to breath slowly … back with a colossal smile on my face. The submerged world is flourishing, and
Wow, this is really it; I can see it right in front of me, right below me, to my left I have just played witness to a few of its wonders. Back on board, the crew are
and to my right. The incredible organism that can be seen from space is only beaming as they hand me a warm drink and listen to me talk excitedly of my
feet away from my finger tips – the magical Great Barrier Reef. incredible encounters and momentous realisations. I have a million questions
Tom signals OK, and we begin to descend. A large pinnacle rises up from the for Tom and he happily and patiently answers. I’m learning so much and I
love it!
depths below - a pyramid of colours swaying in the sea current. I look closely
at the coral and am reminded of what Tom had told me on the surface – each As if on cue, the crew bring out a delicious lunch. Served with a 360-degree
tiny polyp is a single organism, which makes up a whole, an animal related view of blue, chatting with new friends, I haven’t felt so relaxed in a long time.
to sea anemones and jellyfish, one that needs sunlight to grow. The corals are Then Tom calls it, “Anyone up for getting wet again?” Unhindered by schedules
beautiful, hard and soft and all shapes and sizes. Tiny little fish, with fluorescent with a chance for adventure, I am the first in my gear ready to go. This has to
blue and yellow stripes dart between the corals, trying to get a glimpse of me be the best day on The Reef anyone has ever had!
as I am of them. I see a bright blue sea star clinging to the rocky base of
the pinnacle, a symphony of dancing fish swim right by me, oblivious to the
stranger so entranced by the details of their underwater world. Time is passing I loved my experience. To make it your own get in touch with the team at
as slowly as I had hoped, I’m feeling so relaxed. I take a moment to enjoy my MV Monsoon to tailor your perfect day:
quiet contentment.
Tom then guides us right and towards deep sandy slopes. It is then that I see
it, my first ever shark. I am diving with a shark! Yessss! It’s as beautiful as Want a Dive Guide? Tom’s local knowledge was the best. Cheers buddy!
I imagined, quietly going about its business, sharing its world with us, not
fazed by our presence. I continue to watch for what seems an eternity until
it disappears behind a huge coral head. Impressive Gorgonian Fans and Harp
corals, and giant soft corals dominate the structure as they sway and shake in
the slight current.