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into our
The Maldives, Bora Bora, Fiji and the Bahamas have dominated changes, billions instead of millions raised, real democratic power to
international remote island experiences for the last decade. Sun kissed influence and the ability to harness the world’s best scientific solutions
tourists soaking up untouched cays has attracted the interest of the to protect it against the very real threats it now faces.
world’s best surf clothing brands, and the models and photographers If bringing more people to the GBR and raising the profile of its
who shoot for them. spectacular beauty helps move the needle in bringing fundamental
The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is an icon and needs no introduction government and consumer behaviour changes, then the snow white
to the world’s tourism, diving and conservation communities, but the sand and the crystal clear waters of Mackay Coral Cay can definitely
recent discovery by international clothing brands of the coral cays off help.
Port Douglas has provided a new international comparison. The small coral sand island is about 50 kilometres from Port Douglas
The GBR lines the North Queensland coast and is Queensland’s and is located on the north-west corner of the Mackay Reef System.
single most significant tourist destination. But it’s coral cays have only Supermodel and fashion entrepreneur Renee Somerfield and fashion
in recently launched themselves onto the world stage. photographer Bonnie Cee put it perfectly as they approached Mackay
Don’t get us wrong. You cannot step off your resort bungalow onto Cay in December 2017: “Forget everything else - this is the best we’ve
a sand island and this will never be the case. The GBR will never ever seen and it’s in Australia!”
accommodate this which makes visiting these coral cays, like their During the boat trip to the cay they had shared their mind blowing
diving and snorkelling counterparts, a unique and often once in a remote beach experiences in the Maldives and Bahamas.
lifetime experience. This shoot and the subsequent ones that will follow beamed these
Conservation is at the heart of every experience on the GBR, as is images across the fashion world and were well received.
raising the awareness of the fragility and importance of the protection This issue we invite you to Step into our World ... and salute the
of the world’s largest living system. introduction of Sailaway taking the first small group trips from
The GBR Foundation has a distinct objective amongst its primary role Port Douglas to Mackay Coral Cay. The heavily eco-focused tour
as chief guardian of the GBR: To have as many people experience operator offers access to a remote reef experience enabling visitors
nature’s greatest offering first hand. to experience first hand the beauty of nature’s greatest natural asset.
It’s widely regarded and makes perfect sense that every person Become a Port Douglas VIP member to win a trip with Sailaway to
who actually visits the GBR is far more likely to participate in its Mackay Coral Cay and three nights at Pool Port Douglas. Enter at
protection. This means significantly greater consumer behaviour or
Become a Port Douglas VIP member to win:
- Access to Mackay Coral Cay with Sailaway
- 3 nights at Pool Resort Port Douglas