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this terrible disease.  But he warns that the fight is never over and has to be   same-sex couples in Australia the same right to marry the person they love
          globally monitored because as soon as there is an opportunity this disease   as that which is currently only granted by law to heterosexual couples. This
          finds a way in and renews its devastation.            bill is designed to promote an inclusive Australia, not a divided one. A
                                                                divided nation is what we will be if we continue to allow discrimination in
          Warren likens his workload to that of a juggler.  He laughs when he tells
                                                                relation to marriage on the basis of a person’s sexuality.”
          us that he has too many balls in the air but reckons that he is grateful for
          his years of experience in politics that allow him to pinpoint exactly how   This simple but intelligent approach won the day and  Warren says it
          to solve many of the issues he is juggling. He smiles and confidently says: “   was one of his proudest moments when he looked out of his New York
          A solution is sometimes only a phone call away but you have to know who   hotel window, where he was attending a conference when the result of
          to call in the first place!”                          the plebiscite was announced, to see the Empire State Building lit up for
                                                                the city in a rainbow searchlight.  He laughs when he reflects that he had
          It is this business-like attitude that has won him many supporters but
                                                                originally thought this was just a local Aussie issue.  He smiles with a softly
          he also acknowledges that enemies come with the job in politics.  He
                                                                glistening eye (just a speck of dust in the corner, I’m sure), “looking out of
          states in his typically confident and bombastic nature:  ‘The inflexible is
                                                                                  that window and seeing those lights blazing I
          always flexible.  It’s done by discussion
          and conciliation.  I’m never frightened                                 realised, I couldn’t have been more wrong.  This
                                                                                  was and is a global issue of vital importance!”
          to take the lead on controversial but
          essential issues.  You should always take                               So now, what next?
          on those issues, on the front foot!”
                                                                                  He has declared his intention to stand for re-
          Legalising medical marijuana was a    “looking out of that window and seeing   election again at the next election, probably next
          question that Warren considered a fair                                  year (2019) because he realises his son was right
                                        those lights blazing  I realised, I couldn’t
          issue.  He simply looked at it from the                                 - he still has a mountain of concerns he needs
          point of how much it helps some people   have been more wrong.  This was and is a   to address.  His phenomenal memory lists a
          to ease their pain.  So he simplified the                               plethora of subjects to which he will be turning
          issue and won the day.  He also believes   global issue of vital importance!”  his attention.  Unfortunately my memory cannot
          that the lack of power for the residents                                do justice to this huge list.  But among the issues
          of the Daintree Rainforest is another                                   he still holds dear includes addressing insurance
          overcomplicated  issue.    Power  should                                to make it more affordable, introducing next
          be considered as a human right!  “Most                                  generation solutions to the preservation of The
          of these people are probably more                                       Great Barrier Reef including a unique approach
          environmentally aware than the rest of                                  of introducing more natural predators to tackle
          us and yet they are doomed to running dirty generators to achieve what   the destructive effect of the Crown of Thrones, and lastly, more regional
          we all take for granted. This issue has to be resolved,” he said.  Crocodile   development, ensuring the commercial future of the area and as the
          management has been implemented in many other regions especially in the   inaugural Chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Northern Australia,
          Northern territories so again this is an issue that Warren considers should   he is well placed to do so. He may just have to rethink the length of time
          be on his agenda. “We can’t wait until it is fatalities that force us to act.  We   for his remaining in politics!
          have to resolve this issue immediately!”              He does have a weather eye on retirement, although he admits it’s a few
          And of course we now turn to what Warren reluctantly concedes is one   years away.  He is looking forward to returning to his beloved farm and
          of his greatest achievements and that is the Same Sex Marriage Bill or   spending more time with Yolonde.  He has ambitions of breeding goats,
          as he puts it, ”Simply marriage.”  Having listened to his experience and   more cows and pigeons (yes this dynamo is a pigeon fancier).  He insists
          why he takes on the issues he does, it is easy to see why it deserved his   they are fascinating and reckons if you mix all that up with helping his wife
          singular and determined support.  He turned the opinion of almost his   Yolonde with her volunteer work he’ll have a pretty good life organised
          complete political party around by taking the issue and turning into one   post politics.
          of his trademark fairness perspectives.  Looking back on his approach it is
                                                                And thanks to Warren Entsch there is an army of others who can now look
          difficult to comprehend how this view wasn’t the view from the start.
                                                                forward to a pretty good life too, one without prejudice or pain…
          On 17 August 2015, in defiance of his then Prime Minister Abbott,
          Warren introduced a private member’s bill presenting it with the following
          statement: “The main purpose of this bill is not a complex one. It is to give

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